
A’byte About


Late 1990's: Yep, I actually hand-coded a website that advertised Private Number Plates, all in pure html, it was called GVLA!


In the 2000's - I personally funded a web project that gathered so much interest, our Gov't decided to 'launch one of their very own'


That's it, time to call it a day, when you're beat - you're beat. I couldn't compete with the big boys, their 'friends' or pots of 'public money'


2011-2021 - I developed a portal for a large Commercial Vehicle Supplier, to promote their vehicles & equipment to a bigger audience.

My Tin'ternet History

in-case you're wondering how the heck I got here....?

So, it all started 'once upon a time' wa'ay back in the mid 1990's, when I developed an interest in the world-wide-web and started creating/developing website's, my first being written in pure html (by yours truly - yes Me!), and I've only got Tim Berners-Lee to thank for that, so - thanks Tim! That's thirty years of my life shot bye, and for what, so that I too had the chance at developing something like Google, Paypal, Amazon and such like? Well, that didn't happen for me - so, I had to go out & get a 'proper job', something that amounted to 60-70hrs per week of my time, then get Home & try to come up with the next big break. Unfortunately, that didn't happen either, what with having a growing family - there were always too many bills needed paying & mouths to feed, so I guess you could say it was really my hobby!
Anyway, things have moved on a lot since then & because of the way things are working out for our Farmers, I just want to do my byte to try & help 'them' in securing a future within their LOCAL community....
